Μενού Κλείσιμο

ProQuest One Literature

ProQuest One Literature Database includes the following:

  • 1,200 full-text literary journals, bulletins, reviews and full text interdisciplinary publications that offer contemporary criticism
  • 500,000 works, poems and prose that are primary works and represent the literary range of 1,000 years
  • 150,000 hard-to-find original texts by lesser-known authors, beyond Western literature
  • 1,300 videos and 1,000 audio tracks of performances and interviews with authors 
  • 18,000 encyclopedias, accompanying works and dictionaries
  • 20,000 sources of historical literary criticism cover authors from the 17th to the 21st century
  • 14,000 doctoral dissertations that offer scholarly production on emerging literary topics with rich references
  • 2,000 ebooks that provide in-depth critical analysis of primary works and biographies of authors
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