Μενού Κλείσιμο

InterLibrary Loan Service of Books

As a member of the Hellenic Academic Libraries Link consortium the Hellenic Open University (HOU) Library co-operates with other Greek academic member - libraries of the InterLibrary network so that its students can borrow material from those libraries. Students who wish to use the services of other libraries must conform to the rules and regulations of those libraries.

The InterlibraryLoan process goes as follows:

  1. Students search for the material and locate it in one of the collaborating academic libraries listed below. To do a search they can either click on the Union Catalogue – MITOS, which searches for material in 26 academic libraries that participate in the Hellenic Academic Libraries Link consortium or in the electronic catalogue of each library separately (for those institutions not involved in the above consortium).
  2. Students fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library,
  3. The HOU library then forwards the request to the specific library from which the student wishes to interborrow material
  4. Upon being confirmed that the material is available, the student is informed by email to visit the library and pick it up.

 Some libraries send the material to the students' residential address. In that case HOU students bear all the costs of the shipment and return of the material and are obliged to use a courier service, (not the Post Office).

H.O.U. students should pay attention to the fact that in case of a delayed return, loss, damage or non-compliance with the regulations of the relevant library, the H.O.U. Library Services Committee may impose a temporary deprivation of the right to use the H.O.U. Library Services for a period ranging from one week to two months, while it may notify the Registry Department and the President of the Governing Committee of the H.O.U., who may impose the following sanctions: deprivation of the student responsible of the right to: participate in the examinations, select new Modules and receive the graduation certificate. Furthermore, in case of overdue return or damage, users are obliged to pay to the collaborating libraries any fines imposed by the latter, depending on their regulation.

Please note the InterLibrary Loan process is followed only in cases where you wish to borrow material from any other libraries except the HOU Library. If you want to use this service you must have obtained your academic I.D. card.

The H.O.U. Library, in the context of the Interlibrary Loan Service, serves students and professors of other Academic Institutions through an Interlibrary Loan Service Request from the relevant library. The H.O.U Library lends up to three (3) titles from its printed material for a period of fifteen (15) days, with the right to one renewal of said period unless someone has placed a hold on the said material. The abovementioned users don't have the right to place a hold on material. Attention is required, as in case the return of borrowed material is delayed, the H.O.U. Library shall contact the borrowers. If they do not comply, the Libraries requesting the interlibrary loan service, undertake to contact their members and impose the relevant sanctions. Furthermore, in case of loss or destruction of the material, the relevant Libraries are required to replace it.

Academy of Athens

The library of the Academy of Athens participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries, thus lending material to HOU students. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library which, in turn, after contacting the Academy of Athens Library, will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

Contact details of the Library of the Academy of Athens, for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:

Tel. 2103664790
Fax 2103643067
email: library@academyofathens.gr

Open University of Cyprus

Η Βιβλιοθήκη του Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου συμμετέχει στο Σύστημα Διαδανεισμού Βιβλίων των Ελληνικών Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών “Ίρις” δανείζοντας υλικό σε φοιτητές του ΕΑΠ. Για τον δανεισμό πρέπει να συμπληρώσετε και να αποστείλετε ηλεκτρονικά στη Βιβλιοθήκη του ΕΑΠ Book InterLibrary Loan Request Formto the HOU Library which, in turn, after contacting the library of the Open University of Cyprus, will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.
The library of the Open University of Cyprus doesn't ship material straight to the student's residential address, but only to the HOU library, which in turn, forwards it to the student's address. Students also have the choice of picking up the material from the premises of the HOU library. HOU students bear all the costs of the shipment and return of the material and are obliged to use a courier service.

Athens School of Fine Arts

HOU students can borrow up to 2 books for 15 days (no renewals allowed) from the library of the Athens School of Fine Arts. The total sum of books let out to HOU students in general at once, cannot exceed 10. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library which, in turn, after contacting the library of the Athens School of Fine Arts, will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request. Please note that there are charges imposed on students with overdue material, i.e. 0.15 € per item per day.

Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books.

Contact details of the Ionian University for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:
Marina Komboliti, tel. 2104801207
Eleana Pathiakaki, tel. 2104801205, e-mail ill@asfa.gr

School of Pedagogical and Technological Education

The library of the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries and lends to HOU students up to 4 books for 10 days. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library which will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books.
Contact details of the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education Library regarding InterLibrary Loans: Birli Maria Tel.: 2102896747, email: library@aspete.gr

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

The library of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries and lends to HOU students up to 3 books for 15 days. Students are entitled to one renewal. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library which, in turn, after contacting the library of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service (preferably by "Geniki Taxidromiki"). In that case they bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books, which they can keep for 10 days from the delivery date. The penalties and fines the library of the Aristotle University imposes on its students, also apply to HOU students.

Contact details of the Library of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, for information regarding InterLibrary Loans: 2310995390

Library of the Hellenic Parliament

HOU students can use the collections, services and equipment (i.e. computers and microfilm readers) of the library of the Hellenic Parliament (the Central Library, the Benakeios Library and the City Library) Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 20:30 and Saturday from 9:00 to 13:30. They must show their academic I.D. card.

The book collection of this library is non loanable material. However one can use it for study purposes or partially photocopy it. In case students wish to use material which is kept in other library branches of the Hellenic Parliament they can ask the personnel of the Central library for help. Also HOU students can search for articles in the electronic database of Heal-Link as well as the Central library's own databases, in the premises of the library. For help and information students can also send an email to reference@parliament.gr

For further information please contact:

Penelope Levantaki, tel. 2103707545

Eleni Mouzouraki, tel. 2103707212, e-mail: reference@parliament.gr

Library of the Athens Bar Association

HOU students can use the collections and the services of the Library of the Athens Bar Association, according to itshttp://www.dsalib.gr/index.php?p=1&s=2. Before they visit the foresaid library, they should contact the HOU Library first. Upon their arrival they must show their university identification student card. Students can use this Library as a reading room and partly photocopy material (Borrowing material is not allowed).

Contact details for further information:
Minardos Thanasis Tel. 2103398125, e-mail: aminardos@dsa.gr

Library of the Bank of Greece

If you want to borrow from the library of the Bank of Greece you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Formto the HOU Library which, in turn, after contacting the library of the Bank of Greece, will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

Agricultural University of Athens

HOU students can borrow up to 5 books for 20 days from the library of the Agricultural University of Athens. They must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library which, in turn, after contacting the library of the Bank of Greece, will inform them promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of their request.

Contact details of the Library of the Agricultural University of Athens, for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:

Stella Papoulidou. Tel. 2105294276, e-mail: ill@aua.gr

Democritus University of Thrace

Η Βιβλιοθήκη του Δ.Π.Θ., συμμετέχει στο Σύστημα Διαδανεισμού Βιβλίων των Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών “Ίρις”, δανείζοντας σε φοιτητές του ΕΑΠ μέχρι 4 βιβλία. Για τον δανεισμό από τις διάφορες τμηματικές βιβλιοθήκες του Πανεπιστημίου θα πρέπει να συμπληρώσετε και να αποστείλετε ηλεκτρονικά στη Βιβλιοθήκη του ΕΑΠ Book InterLibrary Loan Request Formto the HOU Library, where you must specify the departmental library from which you wish to borrow. Then the HOU Library, after contacting the library of the Bank of Greece, will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books.

Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books. Contact details of the Library of the Democritus University of Thrace, for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:

Marina Rapanaki (librarian), tel. 2531039808, e-mail: mrapan@admin.duth.gr
Marianthi-Eirini Chatzigeorgiou (librarian), tel. 25310 39549, e-mail: mchatzig@admin.duth.gr

Municipal Library of Athens

The Municipal library of Athens serves HOU students, lending them up to 2 books for 3 days. They are entitled to one renewal, only in case the material has not been requested by another user. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library which, will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request. The Municipal library of Athens doesn't send material to the students' residential address).

Contact details of the Municipal library of Athens, for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:

Fotini Pita. Tel. 2108810884, e-mail: publibrath@yahoo.gr

International Hellenic University

The library of the International Hellenic University participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries and lends to HOU students up to 3 books. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library which will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books.

Contact details of the Library of the International Hellenic University, for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:

e-mail: library@ihu.edu.gr

Tel: 2310807566

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

The library of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries, thus lending material to HOU students. In order to borrow books from the departmental libraries you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library, where you must specify the departmental library from which you wish to borrow. You will be informed promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

Contact details of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:
Tsolakou Aggeliki, tel. 2103688086, e-mail: atsolak@uoa.gr
Karasoulou Chrysanthi, tel.: 2103688024, email: skarasoul@uoa.gr

The following departmental libraries participate in the InterLibrary Loan Service:

Library of the School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Up to 5 books for 20 days)
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Library of the School of Education (Up to 5 books with right of renewal upon agreement)
Library of the School of Philosophy Undergraduate students: up to 5 books for 5 days with the possibility of one renewal for 5 days / Postgraduate, Postdoctoral, Administrative staff: Up to 5 books for 10 days with the possibility of one renewal for 10 days / Faculty Members -Acad. Scholars, Peer-Visitors Teachers: up to 7 books for 30 days with the possibility of two renewals (for 15 days per renewal).
Library of the School of Theology (Undergraduate students: up to 3 books for 7 days with the possibility of one renewal for 7 days / Masters, Postdocs, Administrative staff-ETEP: Up to 5 books for 15 days with the possibility of one renewal for 15 days / Faculty members-EEP-EDIP- Scholars, Fellows-Visiting Professors: up to 7 books for 30 days with the possibility of one renewal for 15 days)
Library of the School of Science (Up to 5 books for 1 month, renewal is not possible)
Library of the School of Economics and Political Science (Βιβλιοθήκη Οικονομικών & Πολιτικών Επιστημών: Δανεισμός για 10 ημέρες, δεν υπάρχει η δυνατότητα ανανέωσης) (Βιβλιοθήκη Πολιτικής Επιστήμης και Δημόσιας Διοίκησης – Επικοινωνίας και Μέσων Μαζικής Ενημέρωσης – Τουρκικών Σπουδών και Σύγχρονων Ασιατικών Σπουδών: έως 4 βιβλία για 15 ημέρες.)
Library - Reading room of the Student's Club (Up to 3 books)
Law Library - School of Law (Up to 3 books, for 3 working days without right of renewal)


National Technical University of Athens

The Central library of the National Technical University of Athens participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries, by lending up to three (3) books to HOU students. 

In case the material is overdue the corresponding Regulation of the library of the National Technical University will be imposed. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Formto the HOU Library. You will be informed promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

Also HOU students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books.

Contact details of the National Technical University of Athens for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:

Tzimani Efi tel.: 210 7721875

Karachristou Evi tel.: 210 7721250

Christina Anastasopoulou, tel. 2107722317, e-mail: libill@central.ntua.gr

Hellenic Mediterranean University (former Technological Educational Institute of Crete)

The library of the Hellenic Mediterranean University participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries and lends up to 4 books for 20 days to HOU students. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library, which will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books.

to the HOU Library, which will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request. HOU students can have the books sent to their residential address if they wish, by a courier service. In that case they have to bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books. Contact details of the Technological Educational Institute of Crete for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:

Maria Angelaki, tel. 2810379332, e-mail: mariagel@hmu.gr

Maria Vargianaki, tel: 2810-379343, e-mail: variaka@hmu.gr

Institute of Educational Policy(former Pedagogical Institute)

HOU students can borrow material from the library of the Institute of Educational Policy. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library. You will be informed promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

to the HOU Library. You will be informed promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request. Contact details of the Institute of Educational Policy for information regarding InterLibrary Loans: e-mail: library@iep.edu.gr

Ionian University

The library of the Ionian University serves HOU students lending them up to 5 books for 14 days. HOU students are entitled to one renewal. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library. You will be informed promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request. HOU students must show their academic I.D. card. when collecting their books from the library. Material which belongs to the Short Loans Collection as well as non loanable material cannot be borrowed by HOU students.

Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books.

Interloan Officer of the Ionian University Library:

Nikos Anastasiou, tel. 26610-87339 fax : 26610 87371, e-mail: nick@ionio.gr

Athens University of Economics and Business

The library of the Athens University of Economics and Business serves HOU students, lending them up to 3 books for 7 days. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library. You will be informed promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books.

Contact details of the Athens University of Economics and Business for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:
Maria Sareli 2108203265, email: loan@aueb.gr

University of the Aegean

In order to borrow books from the library of the University of the Aegean, HOU students can present themselves to that library with their academic I.D. card, police I.D. card and a passport size photograph and apply for a library card. Items can be borrowed for 1 week and renewed 2-3 times, depending on the availability of the material.

The library of the University of the Aegean participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries and also serves HOU students from a distance. Those who wish to borrow books from a distance must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library. The borrowed material is sent to the library of the HOU which, in turn, will send it to the student's residential address (unless he/she can pick it up from the premises of the HOU library). The shipment and return of the material must be carried out by a private courier company and HOU students bear the cost.

Mytilini: Despoina Kamatsou, tel. 2251036031, e-mail: dkama@aegean.gr
Chios: Eleni Spentza, tel. 2271035037, e-mail: spentza@aegean.gr
Syros: Paraskevi Kontou, tel. 22810-97031, e-mail: kontou@aegean.gr
Samos: Basilikh Gouvala, tel. 22730-82030, e-mail: vgou@aegean.gr
Rhodes: Kalliope Bei, tel. 22410-99032, e-mail: bei@aegean.gr

University of West Attica - Campus 1 (former Technological Educational Institute of Athens)

The library of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries and lends to HOU students up to 5 books for 10 days. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library, which will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request. HOU students can renew the material for 5 extra days unless the it has been requested by another user or it's overdue, in which case it must be returned immediately.

Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books.

Contact details of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:

Despina Fintanoglou, tel. 210-5385133definda@uniwa.gr)

University of West Attica - Campus 2 (former Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus)

The library of the Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries lending material to HOU students. HOU students can borrow material for up to 15 days and renew it as long as there are enough copies. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library, which will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books.

Contact details of the Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:
Aggeliki Malafouri, tel. 210-5381201 fax: 210-5690158 e-mail: lib@teipir.gr

University of Western Macedonia

The library of the University of Western Macedonia serves HOU students lending them up to 3 books for 15 days. Students are entitled to one renewal for 7 days. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library. You will be informed promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

HOU students can have the books sent to their residential address if they wish, by a courier service. In that case they bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books. In case items are lost or damaged, HOU students are obliged to replace them.

Contact details of the University of Western Macedonia for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:
Florina branch: Athanasios Baitsakis, tel: 23850-55052,  e-mail: abaitsakis@uowm.gr
Kozani branch: Dimitra Dimopoulou, tel. 24610-68206, e-mail: ddimop@uowm.grdanismos@uowm.gr

University of Thessaly

The library of the University of Thessaly serves HOU students lending them up to 5 books for 14 days. Students are also entitled to 3 renewals. In order to borrow books you must apply for a library card. To obtain a library card you must show your academic I.D. card, police I.D. card and bring a passport size photograph.

The library of the University of Thessaly participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries and also serves HOU students from a distance. Those who wish to borrow books from a distance must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library. The borrowed material is sent to the library of the HOU which, in turn, will send it to the student's residential address (unless he/she can pick it up from the premises of the HOU library). The shipment and return of the material must be carried out by a private courier company and HOU students bear the cost.

Contact details of the branches of the University of Thessaly for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:

Dimitrios Mariotakis and Sakis Kravaris, tel: 24210 06328, fax: 24210-74851, e-mail: ill@lib.uth.gr

Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly

In order to borrow books from the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library, which will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request. HOU students can have the books sent to their residential address if they wish, by a courier service. In that case they have to bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books.

Contact details of the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:

Grigoriou Paraskevi, tel. 2410684472 e-mail: grigorioup@uth.gr
Calliope Sioki, tel: 2410 684469, e-mail: sioki@uth.gr

e-mail: ill@teilar.gr

University of Crete (Rethymno,Heraklion)

Η Βιβλιοθήκη του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης συμμετέχοντας στο Σύστημα Διαδανεισμού Βιβλίων των Ελληνικών Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών “Ίρις”, εξυπηρετεί και τους φοιτητές του ΕΑΠ δανείζοντας τους υλικό. Κάθε φοιτητής του ΕΑΠ μπορεί να δανείζεται μέχρι 4 βιβλία για 20 ημέρες αν η παραλαβή γίνεται επιτοπίως και για 30 ημέρες αν το υλικό αποστέλλεται, με δυνατότητα μιας ανανέωσης. Οι φοιτητές του ΕΑΠ οφείλουν να σέβονται ιδιαίτερα την πολιτική της Βιβλιοθήκης Ρεθύμνου και Ηρακλείου όσο αφορά υλικό σπάνιο ή σε λιγοστά αντίτυπα.
Η Βιβλιοθήκη του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης εξυπηρετεί και τους εξ αποστάσεως φοιτητές του ΕΑΠ αποστέλλοντας το υλικό στη Βιβλιοθήκη του ΕΑΠ (και όχι απευθείας στον τόπο διαμονής των φοιτητών), η οποία με τη σειρά της το αποστέλλει στη διεύθυνση του ενδιαφερόμενου φοιτητή (εκτός και αν αυτός έχει τη δυνατότητα παραλαβής του υλικού από το χώρο της Βιβλιοθήκης του ΕΑΠ). Όλες οι χρεώσεις παραλαβής και επιστροφής του υλικού επιβαρύνουν αποκλειστικά τους φοιτητές του ΕΑΠ ενώ επιβάλλεται η χρήση ταχυμεταφορικών υπηρεσιών (Courier).
Οι φοιτητές του ΕΑΠ προκειμένου να εξυπηρετηθούν, θα πρέπει πρώτα να συμπληρώσουν και να αποστείλουν ηλεκτρονικά στη Βιβλιοθήκη του ΕΑΠ Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form

Υπεύθυνες Διαδανεισμού της Βιβλιοθήκης του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης:

Rethymno branch: Troullinou Maria, tel: 2831077847, email: troullim@uoc.gr

Irakleion branch: Eleftheria Prokopaki 2810394792 email: prokopae@uoc.gr

University of Cyprus

The library of the University of Cyprus serves HOU students lending them up to 7 books for 21 days. Students are entitled to 2 renewals. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library. You will be informed promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request. Alternatively, for those who wish to avoid the above procedure, they can obtain a library card. The cost involved is 10,00€ for issuing the card and 17,00€ for the annual subscription. Card holders can borrow up to 5 books for 15 days. (http://library.ucy.ac.cy/el/services/borrowing/lib-cards).

Contact details of the library of the University of Cyprus for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:

Elena Diomidis, tel: 0035722892030, e-mail: elenad@ucy.ac.cy

University of Nicosia

The Library of the University of Nicosia lends to HOU students up to 4 books from the Main Collection for 10 days, with the right to 2 renewals, provided there is no hold by another user. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library, which will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.
The HOU Library lends (in case there is a request from the University of Nicosia Library) to University of Nicosia students up to three (3) titles from its printed material for a period of 15 days, with the right to 1 renewal, unless someone has placed a hold on the material.

In order books to be sent to your residential address by a courier service, there must be preceded contact between the two libraries. In that case HOU students and University of Nicosia students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books.

Contact details: Eleni Singou, tel. 00357 22 842 102, e-mail: singou.e@unic.ac.cy

University of Macedonia

The library of the University of Macedonia participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries and lends up to 3 books for 28 days to those HOU students who borrow from a distance (and have the books posted to their address) and for 2 weeks to those HOU students who borrow from the premises of the library. The total number of books borrowed on behalf of students of the Hellenic Open University must not exceed 20 at a time. There is a possibility for a renewal,on the condition that a request is made to the Interlibrary Loan Service Office of the University of Macedonia, at least 3 days before the date of return. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library. You will be informed promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books.

Contact details of the University of Macedonia for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:

Georgia Gogeraki tel. 2310891746 e-mail: diadan@uom.gr

University of Patras

The library of the University of Patras treats HOU students as external users, lending them up to 3 books for 7 days. Students are also entitled to 1 renewal. In order to borrow books you must apply for a library card. To obtain a library card you must show your academic I.D. card.

The library of the University of Patras participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries, serving distant users /students of the HOU and sends the borrowed material to their residential address using a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the material. Those who wish to borrow books from a distance must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library.

Person in charge of the Reading Room and Borrowing of the University of Patras library:
Vasiliki Harbila, tel. 2610969620 & 2610969621
Person in charge of the InterLibrary Loan Service of the University of Patras library:
Konstantina Sipsa, tel. 2610969673

University of Patras (former Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece - Patras Campus)

The library of former Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece - Patras Campus serves HOU students, lending them up to 3 books for 10 days. Students can renew their books for 5 days and are allowed up to 3 renewals. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library. You will be informed promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books.

Contact details of the Patras campus of the Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:2610 962 821, e-mail librarypat@upatras.gr

University of Piraeus

The Piraeus University Library serves HOU students by lending up to 5 books for 15 days to postgraduates and up to 3 books for 7 days to undergraduates (no renewal possible).

To borrow, you must complete and send electronically to the HOU Library Book InterLibrary Loan Request Formto the HOU Library which will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

Contact details of the University of Piraeus for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:

Ilias Neofotistos, tel. 2104142021, e-mail: ilias@unipi.gr

University of the Peloponnese

The library of the University of the Peloponnese participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries, thus lending material to HOU students. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Formto the HOU Library. You will be informed promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books. In case an item is lost or damaged it must be replaced by the student.

Kalamata branch (lends up to 3 books)
Cross-lending manager: Georgia Katsou, e-mail: gkat@uop.gr , tel. 27210-65158

Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences

Η Βιβλιοθήκη του Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου συμμετέχει στο Σύστημα Διαδανεισμού Βιβλίων των Ελληνικών Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών “Ίρις” δανείζοντας σε φοιτητές του ΕΑΠ μέχρι 2 βιβλία για 15 ημέρες χωρίς δικαίωμα ανανέωσης. Ο συνολικός αριθμός βιβλίων που είναι χρεωμένος στο ΕΑΠ δεν μπορεί να ξεπερνά κάθε φορά τα 5 βιβλία. Για τον δανεισμό πρέπει να συμπληρώσετε και να αποστείλετε ηλεκτρονικά στη Βιβλιοθήκη του ΕΑΠ Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form. Εν συνεχεία, η Βιβλιοθήκη του ΕΑΠ σας ενημερώνει άμεσα μέσω ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου για τη διαθεσιμότητα του υλικού και την πορεία του αιτήματός σας. Οι φοιτητές του ΕΑΠ πρέπει να γνωρίζουν ότι η καθυστερημένη επιστροφή υλικού επιβαρύνεται με πρόστιμο 0,30€ (ανά βιβλίο) για κάθε μέρα καθυστέρησης, συμπεριλαμβανομένων του Σαββάτου και της Κυριακής. Επίσης, υλικό που δανείζεται για λίγες ημέρες (κατόπιν απαίτησης των καθηγητών του Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου) δεν διατίθεται για δανεισμό παρά μόνο για φωτοτύπηση.

The library of the Panteion University doesn't send material directly to the students' residential address but to the library of the HOU which, in turn, will send it to the students' residential address (unless he/she can pick it up from the premises of the HOU library). The shipment and return of the material must be carried out by a private courier company and HOU students bear the cost.

Contact details of the library branches of the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:

Dimitra Legga, tel. 210-9201401, fax: 210-9248774, e-mail: dlegga@panteion.gr consortium ill@lis.panteion.gr 

Technical University of Crete

The library of the Technical University of Crete serves HOU students, lending them up to 5 books for 20 days. Students are allowed up to 3 renewals. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library. You will be informed promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books.


Contact details of the Technical University of Crete for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:
Maria Bolieraki, tel. 28210-37245, e-mail: mbolier@library.tuc.gr 
Elisabeth Leventaki, tel. 28210-37281.

International Hellenic University (former TEI (Technological Educational Institute) of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace)

The Library of International Hellenic University serves HOU students as external users by lending them up to 5 books for 1 month with the possibility of one renewal. To borrow, you must complete and send electronically to the HOU Library Book InterLibrary Loan Request Formto the HOU Library. You will be informed promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

Contact details of the LIbrary of the International Hellenic University for information regarding InterLibrary Loans: 2510-462289

University of Patras (former TEI of Western Greece - Mesolonghi)

Η Βιβλιοθήκη του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών (πρώην ΤΕΙ Δυτικής Ελλάδας – Μεσολόγγι) συμμετέχει στο Σύστημα Διαδανεισμού Βιβλίων των Ελληνικών Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών “Ίρις” δανείζοντας υλικό σε φοιτητές του ΕΑΠ. Για τον δανεισμό πρέπει να συμπληρώσετε και να αποστείλετε ηλεκτρονικά στη Βιβλιοθήκη του ΕΑΠ Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form. Afterwards, the Library of the HOU, after consultation with the Library of Messolonghi, informs you directly by email about the availability of the material and the progress of your request.

University of Western Macedonia (former TEI of Western Macedonia, Kastoria-Kozani-Florina)

The library of the University of Western Macedonia participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries, thus lending material to HOU students. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form. Afterwards, the HOU Library, after consultation with the respective departmental library of the University of Western Macedonia, informs you directly via e-mail about the availability of the material and the progress of your request.

Contact details of the University of Western Macedonia (in Kastoria,Kozani,Florina) regarding InterLibrary Loans: Dimitra Dimopoulou, tel.2461040161-4 int.206, e-mail: ddimop@teiwm.gr

University of Ioannina (former TEI of Epirus, Arta-Ioannina-Preveza)

The library of the Technological Educational Institute of Epirus participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries and lends up to 3 books for 7 days to HOU students. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library, which will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request. In case the borrowed material is requested by a student of the Technological Educational Institute of Epirus it has to be returned immediately. Renewal of books is done only in special cases. In case the borrowed material is lost or damaged the HOU student must replace it.

Contact details of the University of Ioannina for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:

Eleni Theodorika, tel: 2682050572, fax: 2682050644,  etheodor@teiep.gr

International Hellenic University (former TEI of Thessaloniki)

The library of the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries and lends up to 3 books for 15 days to HOU students. The borrowed material can be renewed twice. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library, which will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books.

Contact details of the International Hellenic University for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:

Gianna Charalambidou, tel: 2310013699 , e-mail: library@admin.teithe.gr.

Ionian University (former TEI of the Ionian Islands)

The library of the Technological Educational Institute of the Ionian Islands participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries and lends material to HOU students. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library, which will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request.

International Hellenic University (former TEI of Central Macedonia)

The library of the International Hellenic University participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries and lends to HOU students up to 3 books for 15 days. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library, which will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request. Please note that there are charges imposed on students with overdue material.

Contact details of the International Hellenic University for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:

Martha Christoforidou-Naoum,
Tel: 2321049182
e-mail: marthalib@teiser.gr

Sofia Grigoriadou,
Tel: 2321049177
e-mail: sofialib@teiser.gr

University of Peloponnese (formerly TEI of Peloponnese)

The library of the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries and lends to HOU students up to 2 books for 15 days (no renewals allowed). The Hellenic Open University can borrow, on behalf of its students, up to 5 books at a time. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library, which will inform you promptly by e-email, regarding the availability of the material as well as the progress of your request. HOU students should be aware that for overdue books the Panteion Library imposes a fine of 0,30 € for each book every day, including for Saturdays and Sundays. Also "short loan" material is not available for borrowing but can be photocopied.

Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books.

Contact details of the University of Peloponnese for information regarding InterLibrary Loans:2721045195

University of Thessaly (former TEI of Central Greece-Lamia)

In order to borrow books from the Lamia campus of the University of Thessaly you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form to the HOU Library, which will reply to you by e-email. Then you must present yourself to the library with a copy of your request and your academic I.D. card and apply for a library card. The collection of the library is divided into single copy items and multiple copy items. HOU students can borrow up to 2 books for 4 days from the multiple copy items collection and up to 2 books for 2 days from the single copy items collection. Renewals can be done only if the items are not requested by another user. Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books. e-mail library@teiste.gr

The collection of the library is divided into single copy items and multiple copy items. HOU students can borrow up to 2 books for 4 days from the multiple copy items collection and up to 2 books for 2 days from the single copy items collection. Renewals can be done only if the items are not requested by another user.

Also students can have the books sent to their residential address by a courier service. In that case HOU students bear the cost of the shipment and return of the books.

e-mail library@teiste.gr

National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (former TEI of Central Greece - Chalkida)

The library of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (former TEI of Central Greece - Chalkida) participates in "IRIS", the InterLibrary Loan Service of books of Greek Academic Libraries, thus lending material to HOU students. In order to borrow books you must fill in and send electronically a Book InterLibrary Loan Request Form. Afterwards, the HOU Library, after consultation with the Chalkida Library, informs you directly by email about the availability of the material and the progress of your request.

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