All active members of the academic community of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) i.e. students, academic staff, can have electronic access to the content of dissertations, regardless the course they are enrolled in, by using the username and password credentials they have been supplied for logging in the educational portal of the HOU. External users are not entitled to borrow dissertations which were completed up until 2017. They can only study those dissertations at the premises of the Library and print up to 10 pages per dissertation. When it comes to dissertations that have been completed since 2018, access is open to all users, through the Repository website of the HOU, according to decisions taken at the No. 365/11-12-2017 and 366/20-12-2017 Meetings of the Governing Committee of the H.O.U.
Step by step process for having access to Dissertations.
- Locate the dissertation that interests you by doing a search at the Repository website of the You can perform a search either by title or by author. Select the dissertation that interests you and click on the pdf file. You'll need to enter your username and password.
- HOU Dissertations completed up until 2014 can also by located by doing a search at the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC). Again you can perform a search either by title or author. Once you locate the dissertation, click on it and you'll be transferred to the Repository site where you can access the full text of the dissertation, using your username and password.
- n cases where the dissertation file is not posted at the Repository due to its large size, students can have it sent to them by the library electronically, if they fill in Borrowing Dissertations Request Form. If you want to use this service you must have obtained your academic I.D. card.The dissertation is then sent from the library to the user's email address.
Please note that dissertations are for personal use only and it's not permitted to distribute them.