Μενού Κλείσιμο


What is a Database?

A database is a collection of related data that can be retrieved through searching.

Databases can be bibliographic, namely they can either contain only bibliographic facts (i.e. author, title, volume, publication date) as well as abstracts or provide access to the full text of the article. For further information please refer to the Databases Guide. It must be noted that only members of the academic community of the H.O.U. are given access to bibliographic databases through the username and password credentials they have been supplied, for logging in the Educational Portal of the H.O.U.

The HOU Library provides access to Bibliographic Databases:

  1. through the Heal-Link portal, (due to the HOU Library's involvement in the Hellenic Academic Libraries Link consortium) and
  2. which have been secured by the HOU for its users and are listed below.


The collection of Clarivate Analytics’s Journal & Highly Cited Data (JCR & ESI) consists of two databasesJournal Citation Reports and Essential Science Indicators. 

Journal Citation Reports (Journal Impact Factor) is the result of evaluation and comparison between periodicals using the data of bibliographic citations in scientific works. It presents the role and the international impact of its journal it evaluates, in the research community. This is accomplished through a series of citation metrics, including the Journal Impact Factor (JIF), along with descriptive data about a journal’s open access content and contributing authors. Includes over 20.000+ journals of all sciences, published in over 110 countries, as well as the journals with the highest prestige by industry according to the frequency of references to them.

The Essential Science Indicators reveals emerging science trends as well as individuals, institutions, articles, journals and countries with influence in your field of research. With science trend statistics from more than 12 million articles from more than 12.000 global journals, Essential Science Indicators provide in-depth coverage for effective analysis and benchmarking of research performance, identifying significant trends, ranking top performance and evaluating potential partners.

JCR User Guide here.

ESI User Guide here.

OECD iLibraryis the online library of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) featuring its books, papers and statistics and is the gateway to OECD's analysis and data.OECD iLibrary also contains content published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), the OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and the International Transport Forum (ITF)

OECD i-Library User Guide here.

ProQuest One Academic: covers over 175 subject categories with a variety of journals, videos, e-books, doctoral dissertations and news sources. For more information on the extended content of the database click here.

The database Publicly Available Database (PAC) brings together scholarly content from a number of different sources from around the world. It includes content from major subject repositories such as arXiv, journal articles from open access journals, books, conference papers, preprints and reports.You can see in detail the titles of the sources contained in the database here.

Statista: It is one of the largest statistics, research and data platforms on the market with access to more than 1 million statistics, forecasts, dossiers, studies and countless information on 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources. The platform combines financial data, consumer or demographic trends and polls.

For user manuals on Statista visit the section Working with Statista

Το Web of Science grants access to current and retrospective periodical editions, some of the most distinct journals which have to do with research (almost 13.000+). It is base with a unique search method, which helps users to be best navigated to the full text of the articles of the journals. More specifically the following data bases are available:

Science Citation Index Expanded (1970-present)

Social Sciences Citation Index (1970-present)

Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975-present)

Emerging Sources Citation Index, ESCI (Rolling last 5 years)

Το Μy EndNoteWeb is a tool for managing bibliographic data, integrated to the database WebofScience. In order to create your personal account you must Sign In/Register. For more general information as well as access information click here.


La Base du Gerflint (Groupe d’Etudes et de Recherches pour le Francais Langue Internationale) (OPEN ACCESS): digital publishing site (Group for the Study and Research of French as an International Language), open to the entire French-speaking international scientific community wishing to intervene in the following areas: 1. The Humanities and Social Sciences, Communication, 3. Linguistic Sciences & Language-Culture Teaching, 4. French Literature, 5. French Language-Culture Teaching, 6. Ethics and Theory of Complexity.

The database is now included in the new ProQuest One Academic database

JStor: Journals – Archive Collections

JStor: Journals - Archive Collections includes content and full text of 497 and over important scientific journals of the 19th century. The target of the specific database is the listing of older editions (up until the past five years) and not the giving direct access to the current issues of the journals.

Those journals are included at the following 5 collections of art, social sciences and humanities:

  • Arts and Sciences I Collection(economics, history, political science, sociology, ecology, mathematics, statistics).
  • Arts and Sciences II Collection(economics, history, archaeology, Asian, African Slavic studies and Latin American and Middle Eastern studies).
  • Arts and Sciences IΙΙ Collection(languages, literature, music, film studies, folklore, performing arts, religion, history and study of art and architecture, folklore, feminist theory, women's studies).
  • Arts and Sciences IV Collection(public policy and administration, law, education, Marketing and advertising, psychology, social sciences).
  • Arts and Sciences X Collection(economics and fiscal business, social sciences, sociology, education, public policy and administration, history of science, technology, medicine, transport and regional development studies).

The database is now included in the new ProQuest One Academic database

ProQuest One Literature: covers a range of subject categories starting with world literature, education, classical studies to philosophy, linguistics, religions and world history in many different forms and types of content. For more information on the extended content of the database click here.


Illuminating Engineering Society (IES): subscription to the IES, the recognized technical and educational authority on illumination. Includes 10 simultaneous logins to the Lighting Library (select Hellenic Open – My IES) , free access to live and archived webinars. Students also enjoy reduced member rates for IES conferences and events. Only available for students of the program Lighting Design. For information, please contact the Library by e-mail (library@eap.gr).

The International Energy Agency (ΙΕΑ) is an autonomous organisation which works to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy for its 28 member countries and beyond. Founded in response to the 1973-74 oil crisis, the IEA’s initial role was to help countries co-ordinate a collective response to major disruptions in oil supply through the release of emergency oil stocks to the markets. While this continues to be a key aspect of its work, the IEA has evolved and expanded providing reliable and unbiased research, statistics, analysis and recommendations.

Access to this Database is available ONLY LOCALLY from the following link https://www.iea.org/about (specifically in the subsection “Data”), by appointment at the Central Library of H.O.U. in Patras as well as the Library of H.O.U. Branch in Athens, for the following collections:

Includes movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films and educational videos. Access have only the Students and the Professors of the Programs Design of Visual Effects and Animation (SOK), Film Studies: Screenplay, Filmmaking and Research (SKI) and Lighting Design (SFP) following the access instructions given on their educational platform.

includes more than 490 feature films from the most famous directors around the world. Global Lens presents the best of the silent era, groundbreaking international directors, masterpieces from the mid-20th century, and contemporary films from around the world, including Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, and North America from Artmattan Productions. The collection sheds light on the history of cinema, while also providing a glimpse into the cultures and issues of countries around the world. Access have only the Students and the Professors of the Programs Design of Visual Effects and Animation (SOK), Film Studies: Screenplay, Filmmaking and Research (SKI) and Lighting Design (SFP) following the access instructions given on their educational platform


Reaxysis an essential tool for all researchers who work on the areas of organic synthesis, pharmaceutical chemistry, synthesis and isolation of natural products, designing bioactive material and compounds and composition of new material. In this database the contents of three authoritative data resources (Beilstein, Gmelin και Patent Chemistry Database) have been merged. Reaxys also draws data out of (about) 16.000 scientific journals and patents, which go back to the 19th century and over 500.000.000 experimental procedures. It provides information with data regarding synthetic methods, structures and reactions as well as the natural, chemical, spectral, biological and toxicological properties of published compounds. What makes it a unique tool is the opportunities it gives to its users to search chemical structures, formulas, reactions or chemical conversions and the fact that it provides information not just for the (researched) compounds but for their related molecules. Not to mention that one can search for selected chemical patents (US, WO, EP) in the English language.

The zbMath Open (formely known as Zentralblatt MATH co-financed by the 2nd Educational Operational Program and Basic Training / 3rd Community Support Framework and by Hellenic Open University (HOU) as a subscriber) is the most complete and long-lasting data base which includes abstracts and references from all the range of mathematical science with more than 4,2 million records. Since January 2021, zbMATH Open has been available as an Οpen Αccess Database.


ICAP Data.Prisma: The ICAP Data.Prisma Database of the ICAP CRIF enables the recovery of financial data of Greek companies relating to balance sheets and economic outturns of the last 10 years for approximately 36,000 S.A. and Limited Liability Companies. Commercial data included are as follows: Name, Tax Identification Number, etc. The database is only available on the premises of the Library and strictly only for students of the following programs: Administration of Health Care Units (AHCU), Administration of Cultural Institutions (ACI), Tourism Business Administration (TBA), Banking, Finance and Financial Technology (FinTech) (BFFT), Master in Business Administration (MBA), Sports Studies: Sociology, History, Anthropology (SSSHA), Supply Chain Management (SCM). Sports Management (DATH), Criminological and Criminal Approaches to Corruption of Economic and Organised Crime (CCCE), Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), Management of ageing and chronic diseases (MACD), Law of Economics and Business (LEB), Banking, Accounting and Finance (BAF), MSc in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM).

Access is only possible locally from https://www.icapdataprisma.com No remote access is provided.

OECD iLibraryis the online library of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) featuring its books, papers and statistics and is the gateway to OECD's analysis and data.OECD iLibrary also contains content published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), the OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and the International Transport Forum (ITF)

Orbis & Orbis M&A: the database Orbis has information on more than 450 million companies and entities across the globe. 45 million of these have detailed financial information. It’s a powerful comparable data resource on private companies – and it covers listed companies too. Use it to find, analyze and compare companies. The database Οrbis M&A provides corporate finance research with information on company deals. Contains information on 2.2 million deals from 200 countries in over 45 languages to research deals and translate all deal information into English. Deals include private and venture capital mergers and acquisitions. The databases are only available for students of the following programs of HOU: Administration of Health Care Units (AHCU), Administration of Cultural Institutions (ACI), Tourism Business Administration (TBA), Banking, Finance and Financial Technology (FinTech) (BFFT), Master in Business Administration (MBA), Sports Studies: Sociology, History, Anthropology (SSSHA), Supply Chain Management (SCM). Sports Management (DATH), Criminological and Criminal Approaches to Corruption of Economic and Organised Crime (CCCE), Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), Management of ageing and chronic diseases (MACD), Law of Economics and Business (LEB), Banking, Accounting and Finance (BAF), MSc in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)). For access, please contact the Library by e-mail ( library@eap.gr).

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